We have all exclaimed (or at least thought) “Life’s Not Fair!” more than once in our lives… it comes out of a feeling of frustration and powerlessness when we can’t seem to get what we want in Life.
It does feel unfair – when we see others with what we want – the money, the lifestyle, the freedom, the great relationship, the opportunities, the success, etc.
We ask ourselves questions like “What am I missing?”, “What have I done wrong?” or even, sadly, “What is lacking in me?”
What if we haven’t done anything wrong? What if we are not lacking anything? What if all we have been missing is the KEY to understanding how life really IS fair?
We have been taught that it is our actions that create our results in life. This is a misconception! This is why we seem to sometimes do all the right things, and not get what we want! We witness someone else who is NOT working as hard as we are, or is NOT as kind, good or generous, or who seems to do nothing and THEY get the results we desire! That’s when we say “Life’s Not Fair!”
So, if it is not our actions that create our results, what does? It is our Energy, our vibration, which creates our results.
I will use an analogy to help explain:
If you strike a Tuning Fork tuned to the note of “C,” it emanates a sound wave of a particular frequency, or wavelength. There can be many other Tuning Forks nearby that do not do anything. However, when another Tuning Fork also tuned to the exact note of “C,” is even hundreds of yards away, it will begin to hum and vibrate, “singing” the note of “C”! You may have heard the phrase “like attracts like”. You could also say “like Activates like!”
You could say we are finely tuned Tuning Forks! Have you ever noticed that when you have a ‘bad day’ that things keep frustratingly going wrong? That if you start the day running late, then you can’t find your keys, then traffic is all jammed up, and then you can’t find a parking place and as you get out of the car it starts to pour rain and you haven’t got an umbrella??? You get the idea. This is BECAUSE you had a “frustrated” frequency active within you!
The best new is, is that we can control our frequency! The first step is to recognize when we have an ‘unwanted’ tone within us. Then, we get to consciously shift how we are feeling. Our feelings respond to what we are focused upon and we have the ability to choose our focus! This is the part that can take some work and attention, but is a VERY rewarding practice!
Once we have gained some ability to manage our frequency (i.e. our emotional tone) we are then able to be more and more successful in creating the things in our life that we desire. In the past, when we wanted something in our life to change, we looked for the action, or thing, to change, to make ourselves feel better. Many people get stuck in thinking that to feel better their circumstances have to change. This becomes a vicious loop! The key is recognizing that it is our focus that needs to change, then we feel better, our ‘tone’ improves, and Voila! Things in our life begin to improve!
This doesn’t mean that we won’t be taking action. However, any action we take before we adjust our frequency is counter-productive. This is when we think Life is Not Fair. On the other hand, when we take action from a tone of ease and optimism, it is effective and productive. (And usually even fun J!)
So, if we understand that all of the things we experience in our lives are “activated” by our tone or frequency, and we have the capacity to adjust our frequency, then, Life IS Fair, after all!